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Is ABB Ltd publicly traded?

Yes, ABB Ltd is publicly traded and listed as ABBNY on the OTCMKTS. It is currently being traded for approximately $40.91. View more information on ABBNY here. What is ABB Ltd's stock symbol? ABB Ltd's stock symbol is ABBNY and currently trades under OTCMKTS. It’s current price per share is approximately $40.91.

What is ABB Ltd (abbny) stock price?

Over the past 5 years, ABB Ltd’s stock price has increased by 126.53%. ABB Ltd’s stock price is currently approximately $40.91. View more of ABB Ltd’s past performance. A high-level overview of ABB Ltd (ABBNY) stock.

How did ABB Ltd perform in 2022?

[Read more] In 2022, ABB Ltd's revenue was $29.45 billion, an increase of 1.73% compared to the previous year's $28.95 billion. Earnings were $2.48 billion, a decrease of -45.56%. Björn Rosengren, CEO at ABB, discusses the company's Capital Markets Day, his outlook for the Chinese economy, and how ABB is achieving its ambitious margin targets.

Does ABB have a third contract with GHGSat?

QUEBEC CITY, Nov. 28, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- ABB has secured a third contract with GHGSat, the global leader in high-resolution greenhouse gas monitoring from space, to manufacture optical sensors f... Brandon Spencer, president of ABB Energy Industries, discusses the energy transition and decarbonization.

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